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If you have a technical question about the Encyclopedia of Arda app, or need support, then help is available from its developers, Virtix, at
You can send e-mail to,
but please do check to make sure your question isn't already covered
on this page (or elsewhere on the site) first.
If you have a technical question about the Encyclopedia of Arda, or need support, then help is available from its developers, Virtix, at
We get a huge volume of mail, to the extent that it really isn't possible to answer all of it. The vast majority of our mail consists of questions about Tolkien's world, or points about the contents of the site - in these cases, we're not usually able to give a detailed reply by mail, but we do log every question asked. This FAQ is constantly updated with answers to the more popular questions we're asked. Please don't be offended if you don't receive a personal reply to your message -
unfortunately the sheer volume of mail we receive means that it's simply impossible to reply to everybody.
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