Immortal; existed before the creation of Arda
Associated with the Timeless Halls in the Void
iloo'vatarr (the final 'r' should be pronounced - 'rr' is used here to emphasise this)
'Father of all'1
Other names
Ilúvatar is sometimes used alone as the name of this being, but also often in combination with his other name Eru, as Eru Ilúvatar
About this entry:
- Updated 4 May 1998
- Updates planned: 10
The name among Elves of Eru, the One, from whom the Ainur and the Children of Ilúvatar had their being. Through the Music of the Ainur, Ilúvatar created the world and the beings who inhabit it, and only he fully knows its fate.
1 |
'All-father' was also a title of the Norse god Odin, a fact of which Tolkien must certainly have been aware. |
See also...
Ainur, Aman, Aulë, Bent World, Children of Aulë, Children of Earth, Circles of the World, Dagor Dagorath, Deeps of Time, Doomsman of the Valar, Dwarves, Eä, Eru, Eruhíni, Fathers of the Dwarves, [See the full list...]Flame Imperishable, Gift of Men, Giver of Freedom, Great Music, Great Song, Halls of Waiting, Heart of Fire, High King of Arda, Holy Ones, Imperishable Flame, Kingdom of Earth, Lord of All, Lord of Men, Middle-earth, Oath of Fëanor, Pillar of the Heavens, Powers of Arda, Second Music of the Ainur, Secret Fire, Self-cursed, The Dead, The Deathless, The Fire of Ilúvatar, The Maker, The Smith, The Song, Third Theme, Timeless Halls, Undying Lands, Valar, Vision of Ilúvatar, Void
About this entry:
- Updated 4 May 1998
- Updates planned: 10
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