The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
'Day of the Powers' (literally 'day of the High (Ones)'
Other names
Orbelain, Rodyn, Valanya; the Hobbit day name of Hihdei (later Highday) was also ultimately derived from the 'high-day' of the Elves


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 April 2013
  • This entry is complete


The last day of the Elves' week

A name for the last and most important of the six days that made up the Elves' week, dedicated to the Valar or Powers. Tárion was a Quenya name, as was the more common name for the same day, Valanya. In Sindarin, this day was called Orbelain or Rodyn. Through the Dúnedain the name fell into widespread use by the peoples of Middle-earth, including the Hobbits, who used the Common Speech translation of the name, Highday.

See also...

Orbelain, Rodyn, Valanya


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 April 2013
  • This entry is complete

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