The original Sindarin name for the hill known to the Rohirrim as the Halifirien. The last of the beacon-hills of Gondor, it stood on the borders of the land of Rohan, and the secret Tomb of Elendil lay there for many centuries.
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Before the end of the Second Age, this mountain had been generally known as Eilenaer. The name Amon Anwar, 'Hill of Awe', derived from the hallow on its slopes that held the Tomb of Elendil, placed there after the War of the Last Alliance. The location of the Tomb was a secret known only to the Kings and Stewards of Gondor, but nonetheless the presence of the hallowed site brought a sense of awe to the mountain and its surrounding wood from which it took its new name.
See also...
Eilenaer, Elendil, Hill of Anwar, Hill of Awe, Holy Mount, Meneldil, Tomb of Elendil, Tradition of Isildur, Úrui, Whispering Wood, White Mountains
About this entry:
- Updated 23 February 2021
- Updates planned: 1
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