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Updated 30 January 1998
Updates planned: 11
The Ages of Arda
The Years of the Trees First Age Second Age Third Age Fourth Age
Dating from a point 590 years after the first rising of the Sun , the Second Age began after Morgoth was defeated in the War of Wrath and expelled from Arda . That war wrought devastation in northwestern Middle-earth ; the lands of Beleriand were largely overwhelmed by the Sea , with only the realm of Lindon remaining to the west of the Blue Mountains .
The Second Age was the Age of Númenor; the great island kingdom was created and peopled by the descendants of the Edain in the first years of the Age, and as the years passed, their power grew until it surpassed that of any nation of Men , before or since. They sailed east, exploring Middle-earth and founding great cities there. Eventually, their power and pride became so great that they challenged the Valar themselves, and were destroyed.
The end of Númenor was not the end of the Second Age, though; a remnant of the Númenóreans led by Elendil escaped its wreck and founded kingdoms in Middle-earth : Arnor in the north and Gondor in the south. They formed a mighty alliance, the Last Alliance of Elves and Men , and marched on Sauron , who had grown great again, assailing the Dark Tower of Barad-dûr . With the first overthrow of Sauron by the Alliance, the Second Age came to its end.
Key Events of the Second Age
See also...
Accursed Years , Agathurush , Alphabet of Daeron , Aman , Amdír , Amon Amarth , Ancient West , Angerthas Daeron , Artano , Ash Mountains , Astar , Atanalcar , Aulendil , Ban of the Valar , Battle of Dagorlad , [See the full list...] Belegaer , Beleth (Bereth) , Bent World , Black Country , Black Master , Black Númenóreans , Black Speech , Black Stone , Black Years , Blade that was Broken , Bow of Bregor , Bree-men , Bridge of Stonebows , Celebrían , Celebrimbor , Chieftain of the Ringwraiths , Chronology of the Westlands , Círdan the Shipwright , Cirith Dúath , Ciryatur , City of the Corsairs , Common Language , Dark Door , Dark Lord , Dark Throne , Dark Years , Days of Flight , Dead Tree , Deadmens Dike , Doors of Durin , Dor Caranthir , Downfall of Barad-dûr , Dramborleg , Dúnedain of Gondor , Dunlendings , Durins Bane , Dwarf-cities , Dwarves of Khazad-dûm , Eärendur , East End , Eastgate of the Bridge , Elder Days , Eldest Days , Elendil , Elenna·nórë , Elf-kings , Elf-towers , Elfstone , Elrond , Elven-rings , Elves of Eressëa , Elves of Lindon , Elves of Lórinand , Elves of the Havens , Elves of the Wood , Elvish World , Emyn Beraid , Emyn Duir , Emyn Uial , Enedwaith , Eregion , Eryn Vorn , Fall of Barad-dûr , Fall of Sauron , Fangorn Forest , Fell Riders , Fire of Doom , Fire-mountain , First Age , Flame of the West , Flammifer of Westernesse , Foam-flower , Forest of Fangorn , Friend of the Noldor , Galadriel , Golden Tree , Gondorians , Gorthaur , Great Battle , Great Fens , Great Haven , Great Orcs , Great People of the West , Great Ring of Power , Great Road , Great Sea of the West , Great Siege , Green-elves , Hadhodrond , Half-elven , Hallow of Eru , Hatholdir , Haunted Pass , Haven of Umbar , Haven-finder , Heir of Elendil , High King , Hill-men , Hithaeglir , Hollin , Hollin Gate , Holy Mountain , House of Elros , House of Fëanor , House of Fingolfin , Isildur , Isildurs Heir , Isilmë , Ithryn Luin , Keepers of the Three Rings , Khamûl , Khazad-dûm , King of Durins Folk , King of Khazad-dûm , King of Lórien , King of Men , King of Númenor , King of the Eldar , King of the Elves , King of the Galadhrim , King of the Mountains , King of the Nine Riders , King of the Silvan Elves , Kings of Men , Kings Sword , Knights , Land of Gift , Land of the Valley of Singing Gold , Last Alliance of Elves and Men , Last Battle , Last of the Seven , Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr , Lindon , Line of Elros , Lond Daer , Longbeards , Lord of Andúnië , Lord of Barad-dûr , Lord of Gifts , Lord of Lórien , Lord of Lothlórien , Lord of the Black Land , Lord of the Dark Tower , Lord of the Earth , Lord of the Havens , Lord of the Nazgûl , Lost Isle , Lost Realm , Maiar of the Sea , Malinorni , Mansion of the Khazâd , Mar-nu-Falmar , Master of Fangorns Wood , Master of the Grey Havens , Master-ring , Men of Bree , Men of Darkness , Men of Dunland , Men of Old , Men of the Mountains , Men of the Sea , Men of the Twilight , Men-i-Naugrim , Middle Days , Mírdain , Mistress of Magic , Misty Mountains , Moontower , Morgoth , Morgul-sheen , Mountains of Mirkwood , Mouth of Sauron , Nameless Land , Narya , Necromancer , Nessanië , New Haven , Nîn-in-Eilph , Nine Rings , Nine Ringwraiths , Nine Servants , Noldor of Eregion , Noman-lands , North Wind , North-South Road , Northern Lands , Northern Orcs , Númenórean Realms , Númenóreans , Núneth , Oathbreakers , Old Forest , Old Forest Road , Old Púkel-land , One Ring , Orcs of Dol Guldur , Orcs of the Eye , Orcs of the Misty Mountains , Orodruin , Ost-in-Edhil , Otherworld , People of Bëor , Power of the Black Land , Powers of the World , Reunited Kingdom , Revised Calendar , Ring of Barahir , Ring of Rings , Ring of Sapphire , Ring of Water , Ringlord , Rings of Power , Rivendell , River Anduin , River Baranduin , River Greyflood , River Gwathir , Robbers of the North , Roquen , Royal Road , Ruler of Gondor , Sammath Naur , Sauron , Sea-kings , Second Chief , Seeing-stones of Númenor , Senya , Serpents , Seven Hoards , Shadow of the East , Shadowy Mountains , Shadowy Seas , Shards of Narsil , Siege of Barad-dûr , Silmarillion , Silvan Elves , Sleepless Dead , Sons of Fëanor , Sorcerer of Dol Guldur , Soronto , South-realm , Spear of Gil-galad , Star of Eärendil , Star of the North Kingdom , Starlight , Stone of Orthanc , Stonehouse-folk , Straight Way , Sword of Elendil , Tale of the Ring , Tale of Years , Tar-Herunúmen , Tar-Minyatur , The Crafty , The Dead , The Dispossessed , The East , The Farsighted , The Great , The Pillar , The Terrible , The Towers , The West , Third Age , Three Keepers , Three Rings , Uinendili , Vëantur , Vice-regent of Eriador , Vilya , Walls of Moria , War of the Elves and Sauron , War of the Last Alliance , Watch-towers of the Morannon , West of Middle-earth , West-door , West-gate of Moria , West-shores , West-that-was , Westmansweed , Westron , White Council , White Lady , White Mountains , White Tree of Númenor , White Tree of Tol Eressëa , Wide World , Wild Men , Willow-man , Woodland Realm , Wraith-king , Wraith-lord , Yávien , Years of the Sun , Younger Days , Zamîn
About this entry:
Updated 30 January 1998
Updates planned: 11
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