The many roots of the Common Tongue.Taliska was the native language of the Edain, derived ultimately from Elvish, but distinct from the Elvish languages in use in Beleriand during the First Age. The later Adûnaic and Westron tongues were also influenced by various Elvish sources.
The Common Language used throughout the northern and western lands of Middle-earth. It developed from the Númenórean tongue, Adûnaic, but with many additions and changes from other languages, to become almost universally spoken.
See also...
Amon Amarth, Anadûnê, Asëa aranion, Banakil, Baraz, Black Speech, Bree-dialect, Common Language, Curumo, Elendil, Fangorn Forest, Ghân, Gondorians, Great Eagles, Great Tower, [See the full list...]Greymantle, Holbytlan, Karningul, Menelya, Mersday, Monendei, Oranor, Orc-speech, Orithil, Orkish, Ormenel, Pass of Caradhras, Ravens, Rochan, Rochirrim, Sterrendei, Sunnendei, Tarkil, The Fall of Gil-galad, Zirak
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- Updated 17 January 2017
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