It's suggested that Caradhras was more than a mere mountain, and possessed some kind of malevolent will of its own. In reference to the mountain, Aragorn observed that, 'There are many evil and unfriendly things in the world that have ... purposes of their own.' (The Fellowship of the Ring II 3, The Ring Goes South). If Caradhras did indeed house an essence like this (which is certainly not established beyond doubt) then we're told almost nothing to explain how it might have originated.
Continuing his comments quoted above, Aragorn said that 'Some have been in this world longer than [Sauron].' Sauron entered the world soon after its making, so we might take these words to imply that Caradhras' 'spirit' - if it existed at all - was of a different order from that of Sauron. The implication here seems to be that Caradhras was an original part of the world, while Sauron came into Arda from beyond.