Angband dated back to ancient times, but Morgoth returned there c. 50 years 1 before the first rising of the Sun; it was destroyed c. I 587
Primarily used as a reference to Angband or its surrounding land of Dor Daedeloth, though in the later First Age Morgoth's power expanded to encompass lands across northern Beleriand
Taken by Morgoth as his stronghold after his escape from Aman
Important peaks
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- Updated 4 April 2019
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The North
The lands under the power of Morgoth
The northern lands under the power of Morgoth (somewhat conjectural)
The northern lands under the power of Morgoth (somewhat conjectural)
A term used in Beleriand to describe the northern lands under the power of the Dark Lord. During the Siege of Angband, Morgoth was confined to his underground fortress, Angband beneath Thangorodrim in the Iron Mountains. In the Battle of Sudden Flame, though, he broke the Siege and after that battle his armies started to spread southwards. After the disaster of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, all of the lands on Beleriand's northern borders were left in Morgoth's hands. One by one, the remaining Elf-kingdoms fell, and Morgoth's Orcs often wandered far southwards from the lands of the North held by their master.
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Specifically, Morgoth's return to Middle-earth and his establishment of Angband as his stronghold in the North is dated (in The Grey Annals in volume XI of The History of Middle-earth) as Valian Year 1495. That translates to some forty-eight solar years before the Moon and Sun first rose.
See also...
Aman, Black King, Celegorm, Dark Lord, Dark Power of the North, Doors of Angband, Eglador, Eldar of Hithlum, Eldest Days, Elu Thingol, Ered Engrin, Evil Breath, Evil of the North, Forest under Night, Gasping Dust, [See the full list...]Gaurwaith, Gondolin, Great Echo, Great Enemy, Great Shadow, Havens of Sirion, Havens of the Shipwrights, Hells of Iron, Himlad, King of the World, Land of the Elves, Long Peace, Maglor, Melkor, Men of the Ancient Houses, Mordor, Mound of the Elf-maid, Narrow Land, Old Company, Orc-hunters, Power of the North, Ramdal, Ring of Barahir, Sauron, Second Battle, The Bragollach, The Dragon, The Highway, The North, Third Battle, Three Houses of the Elf-friends, Valley of Dreadful Death, Valmar, War of the Great Jewels, Wars of Beleriand
About this entry:
- Updated 4 April 2019
- This entry is complete
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