The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Destroyed in the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age
A range running north to south, separating Lammoth and Nevrast from Hithlum
'Echoing Mountains', perhaps named from the Great Echo of Morgoth's cries in the land of Lammoth to the west (see text)
Other names


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  • Updated 19 December 2016
  • This entry is complete

Ered Lómin

The western mountains of Hithlum

Map of Ered Lómin
(Partially conjectural)
(Partially conjectural)

The grey mountain range that marched north to south between the land of Hithlum and the Great Sea. It was broken by the inlet of the Firth of Drengist, a passage through which Fëanor led his followers among the Noldor back into Middle-earth. In the south of Dor-lómin, the Ered Lómin met the range of Ered Wethrin, and so walled off Hithlum and its lesser lands from Beleriand to the south.

The name Ered Lómin means 'Echoing Mountains', but the origin of the name is uncertain. According to some sources, it refers to the echoes of the great cry of Morgoth as he returned into Middle-earth with Ungoliant before Fëanor's own return. According to others, it was merely in the nature of these mountains to produce great echoes. Whatever the origin of the name, it was clearly shared by the land of Dor-lómin, that lay to the southeast of these mountains.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 December 2016
  • This entry is complete

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