At the eastern end of
Ered Nimrais , the
White Mountains
Minas Tirith was built on
Amon Tirith , a foothill of this mountain; a royal hallow also existed at one time on the mountain itself
Stonewain Valley emerged to the north of Mindolluin
mindo'lluin (ui is pronounced as in English 'ruin')
'Towering blue-head'
About this entry:
Updated 16 July 2010
Updates planned: 1
Prominent peaks of the White Mountains
Amon Dîn Calenhad Dwimorberg Eilenach Erelas Halfirien Írensaga Mindolluin Min-Rimmon Nardol Starkhorn Thrihyrne
The prominent easternmost peak of the White Mountains , beneath which the citadel of Minas Tirith stood.
See also...
Amon Dîn , Arnach , City of the Kings , Court of the Fountain , Dead Tree , East Anórien , Fen Hollen , Gondorians , Grey Wood , Hallows of Minas Tirith , House of the Kings , Houses of the Dead , Mering Stream , Minas Anor , Minas Tirith , [See the full list...] Mountains of Gondor , Mundburg , Rath Dínen , Seven Gates of Minas Tirith , Silent Street , Silver Tree , Stone-city , The Tombs , Tombs of the Kings , Tower of Anor , Tower of Guard , Tower of the Setting Sun , Tower of the Sun , Wall of the Pelennor , White Mountains , White Tree of Minas Anor , White Tree of Minas Tirith , White Tree of the Eldar , White Tree of Tol Eressëa
About this entry:
Updated 16 July 2010
Updates planned: 1
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