About this entry:
- Updated 1 July 2014
- Updates planned: 1
The solid white lines represent the known borders of the North-kingdom. The dashed lines show the approximate borders of its three successor kingdoms, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur.
The solid white lines represent the known borders of the North-kingdom. The dashed lines show the approximate borders of its three successor kingdoms, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur.
The northern of the Two Kingdoms founded in Middle-earth by Elendil and his sons, also known as Arnor, the land of the King. The other land of the Dúnedain in Middle-earth was Gondor in the south.
See also...
Amlaith of Fornost, Amon Sûl, Angmar, Annúminas, Aragorn Elessar, Arahael, Arantar, Arvedui Last-king, Asëa aranion, Battle of Fornost, Beleg, Blade that was Broken, Captain of Gondor, Cardolan, Celebrían, [See the full list...]Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Chieftain of the Ringwraiths, Counsellor of the North-kingdom, Dark Lord, Dúnedain of Arnor, Eastgate of the Bridge, Elendil, Elostirion, Elves of Lindon, Emyn Beraid, Fell Riders, Flame of the West, Fornost Erain, Fortress of Sauron, Fourth Age, Free Land, Gondorians, Great Battle, Great Bridge, Great Ring of Power, Great Road, Greenway-crossing, Heir of Elendil, High King, High King of Arnor, Host of the West, House of Anárion, House of Elendil, Isildur, Isildurs Heir, Ivanneth, King of all the Dúnedain, King of Angmar, King of Arthedain, King of Gondor, King of Gondor and Arnor, King of the Nine Riders, King of the North-kingdom, King of the Southern Realm, King of the West, Kingdom of the North, Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, Line of Anárion, Lone-lands, Lord of Arnor and Gondor, Lord of the Black Land, Lord of the Dark Tower, Lord of the Nazgûl, Lord of the Ringwraiths, Lost Realm, Mayor of Michel Delving, Men of Arnor, Men of Bree, Mering Stream, Minas Anor, Minas Tirith, Misty Mountains, Mundburg, Nine Rings, North Road, North-realm, North-South Road, Northern Dúnedain, Northern Kingdom, Northern Lands, Northern Line, Northern Sceptre, Númenórean Realms, Old South Road, Oldest and Fatherless, Palantíri, Rangers of the North, Realms in Exile, Reunited Kingdom, Ring of Barahir, River Anduin, River Baranduin, Ruler of Gondor, Sandastan, Sceptre of Annúminas, Sceptre of Arnor, Seeing-stones of Númenor, Seven Seeing Stones, Seven Stones, Shards of Narsil, South Downs, Southlands, Star of Elendil, Star of the North, Star of the North Kingdom, Stone of Annúminas, Stone-city, Stones of Arnor, Sword of Elendil, Tarcil, Tarondor, The Kingdom, The Towers, Third Age, Tower Hills, Tower of Amon Sûl, Tower of Anor, Tower of Guard, Tower of the Setting Sun, Tower of the Sun, Trollshaws, Two Kingdoms, War of the Last Alliance, White Mountains, White Towers, Wild Lands, Witch-lord of Angmar, Witch-realm of Angmar, Wraith-king, Wraith-lord
About this entry:
- Updated 1 July 2014
- Updates planned: 1
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