The youngest child, and only daughter, of Otto Boffin and Lavender Grubb. Primrose married Blanco Bracegirdle - apparently moving to join his family in Hardbottle in the Northfarthing1 - and had two children of her own. The elder was a son, Bruno, but the younger, a daughter, became much better known. This was Lobelia, who later in life wedded Otho Sackville-Baggins, and later still acquired Bag End from Frodo at the time he left the Shire.
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Long afterwards, when Primrose's daughter Lobelia wanted to return to her family, she travelled to the Bracegirdle township of Hardbottle. If this was where she was brought up, it seems to follow that her mother and father must have lived there for at least some time. As a Bracegirdle, Lobelia's father Blanco must have lived there already, so Primrose presumably moved there at the time of their wedding.
About this entry:
- Updated 13 September 2020
- Updates planned: 1
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