Founded in III 1601 ( year 1 by the Shire-reckoning), and expanded to include Buckland in III 2340, and the Westmarch in IV 31 ( 740 and 1452 by the Shire-reckoning)
Eriador in the northwest of Middle-earth
Brockenbores, Budgeford, Bywater, Deephallow, Dwaling, Frogmorton, Hobbiton, Little Delving, Longbottom, Michel Delving, Needlehole, Nobottle, Oatbarton, Overhill, Pincup, Rushey, Scary, Stock, Tookbank, Tuckborough, Underhill, Waymeet, Whitfurrows, Willowbottom
From Old English scír, meaning a land granted as a fiefdom
Other names
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- Updated 21 February 2008
- Updates planned: 50
The central regions of the Shire (Partially conjectural)
The central regions of the Shire (Partially conjectural)
At the end of the Third Age, the Shire was the most populous country of the Hobbits in the north of Middle-earth. It was founded in the middle of the Third Age by the Bree-hobbits Marcho and Blanco, and gifted to them and their followers by King Argeleb II of Arthedain, within whose borders the land lay at that time.
The Shire was divided into four farthings, North, South, East and West; its chief town was at Michel Delving on the White Downs, in the Westfarthing. The Mayor of Michel Delving was accounted among the most important of the Shire-hobbits, as was the Thain (the head of the Took family).
The Shire was largely given over to agriculture, and its land was well-suited for farming. One of its chief products was Halflings' Leaf (tobacco), grown especially in the warmer regions of the Southfarthing.
See also...
Adamanta Chubb, Aduial, Afteryule, Alders, Alfrida of the Yale, Andrath, Apples, Aragorn Elessar, Arahad II, Argeleb II, Argonui, Arnor, Arvegil, Asphodel, Badgers, [See the full list...]Baggins Family, Balbo Baggins, Balin, Bamfurlong, Banakil, Banazîr, Bandobras Bullroarer Took, Banks Family, Barley, Barrow-downs, Battle Gardens, Battle of Greenfields, Battle Pit, Bell Goodchild, Berylla Boffin, Better Smials, Bilbo Baggins, Bingo Baggins, Birthday Party, Black Men, Black Rider, Black Riders, Black Speech, Blackberry, Blanco, Blodmath, Blommath, Blooting, Boffin Family, Bolger Family, Bounders, Bowman Nick Cotton, Brandagamba Family, Brandybuck Family, Brandywine Bridge, Bree, Bree-hobbits, Bree-landers, Briar, Bridge Inn, Bridge of Stonebows, Bridgefields, Brockenbores, Brockhouse Family, Bucca of the Marish, Buckland Gate, Bucklanders, Bucklebury Ferry, Budgeford, Bumpkin, Bunce Family, Burrows Family, Bywater, Bywater Pool, Bywater Road, Carl Nibs Cotton, Cedars, Celandines, Chestnuts, Chica Chubb, Chief, Chief Shirriff, Chiefs Men, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Chronology of the Westlands, Clover, Cock-robin, Cordial of Imladris, Cornel, Cotton Family, Counsellor of the North-kingdom, Crickhollow, Daisy Gamgee, Dark Lord, Dark Plague, Days of Dearth, Deephallow, Deputy Mayor, Dora Baggins, Dragon of Erebor, Dunlendish, Dwaling, Dwarf-mail, East Anórien, East End, East Road, Eastfarthing of the Shire, Eastmarch of the Shire, Eglantine Banks, Elanor Gamgee, Eleventy, Elf-towers, Elfstan Fairbairn, Elostirion, Elven-cloaks, Elvet-isle, Emyn Beraid, Ent-draughts, Entwade, Ernil i Pheriannath, Fallohides, Fang, Far Downs, Farewell Party, Farewell Speech, Farmer Maggot, Farthings, Fastred of Greenholm, Ferumbras Took II, Ferumbras Took III, Finches, Fíriel, First Eastfarthing Troop, First Shirriff, Flourdumpling, Folco Boffin, Folklands, Forelithe, Fortinbras Took I, Four Farthings, Fourth Age, Fredegar Fatty Bolger, Free Fair, Free Land, Frery, Frodo Baggins, Frogmorton, Frogs, Funguses, Gaffer Gamgee, Galabas, Galbasi, Gamgee Family, Gammidge Family, Gamwich, Gandalf, Gardner Family, Gate-keepers, Girdley Island, Glóin, Golden Tree, Goldworthy Family, Golfimbul, Gollum, Gollums Ring, Goodbody Family, Goodchild Family, Goodenough Family, Gorhendad Oldbuck (later Brandybuck), Great Barrows, Great Bridge, Great East Road, Great Place of the Tooks, Great Road, Great Willow, Great Year of Plenty, Green Dragon, Green Hill Country, Green Hills, Greenfields, Greenholm, Gríma Wormtongue, Gundabald Bolger, Halfast Hal Gamgee, Halflings Leaf, Halfred Gamgee, Hardbottle, Harding, Harry Goatleaf, Hazel, Headstrong Family, Hensday, Herblore of the Shire, Herugar Bolger, Hevensday, High Hay, Hildifons Took, Hísimë, Hlothran, Hob Hayward, Hobbit-holes, Hobbit-lands, Hobbit-names, Hobbiton, Hobbiton Hill, Hobbiton Road, Hobbitry-in-arms, Hobbits, Hobbits of the Shire, Hobson, Horn of the Mark, Horn-call of Buckland, Hornblower Family, Inglorion, Inside, Invisible Baggins, Isembold Took, Isengrim Took II, Isumbras Took I, Isumbras Took III, Ivy, Khamûl, Kíli, King of Arthedain, King under the Mountain, Kingfishers, Kings Norbury, Kûd-dûkan, Kuduk, Laburnums, Land of the Halflings, Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings, Lightfoot Family, Ling, Little Delving, Little Folk, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (née Bracegirdle), Lockholes, Lone-lands, Long Cleeve, Long Hom, Longbottom, Longbottom Leaf, Longholes Family, Lord of the Nazgûl, Lord of the Nine Riders, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Mad Baggins, Maggot Family, Maggots, Maggots Lane, Malinorni, Marchbuck Family, Marcho, Master, Master of Buckland, Mathoms, Mayor of Michel Delving, Mayor of the Shire, Men of Bree, Men out of the South, Meresdei, Merry People, Mersday, Messenger Service, Mewlips, Mice, Michel Delving, Mickleburg, Mistress of Magic, Mithe, Mithe Steps, Monday, Moria-silver, Morrowdim, Mosco Burrows, Mount Gram, Mushrooms, Myrtle, Nasturtians, Needlehole, Newbury, Nîn-in-Eilph, Nobottle, Norbury of the Kings, North Moors, North-gate, North-took Family, Northfarthing of the Shire, Oatbarton, Old Forest, Old Gamgee, Old Noakes, Old Toby, Old Toby, Old Will, Old Winyards, Old Words and Names in the Shire, Oldest and Fatherless, Orgilion, Otto Boffin, Outsiders, Overbourn Marshes, Overhill, Paladin Took II, Palantíri, Pansy Baggins, Parsley, Party Tree, Peregrin Pippin Took I, Pimple, Pincup, Pinnath Gelin, Pipe-weed, Pippin Gamgee, Ponies, Ponto Baggins, Ponto Baggins, Pool Side, Postmaster, Primrose Boffin, Primrose Gamgee, Proudfoot Family, Puddifoot Family, Quick Post, Reckoning of Years, Red Book of the Periannath, Reeds, Reunited Kingdom, Rhymes of Lore, Ring-bearers, River Anduin, River Baranduin, River Bralda-hîm, River Branda-nîn, River Brandywine, River Shirebourn, Robbers of the North, Robin Cock-robin Smallburrow, Roper Family, Rosa Baggins, Rosamunda Took, Roses, Ruler, Rumble Family, Rushey, Rushock Bog, Sandyman, Sarn Ford, Saruman, Scary, Seeing-stone of Emyn Beraid, Shadow of the East, Sharkey, Sharkeys End, Sharkeys Men, Sharkû, Sharp-ears, Shire Calendar, Shire-folk, Shire-moot, Shire-muster, Shire-reckoning, Shire-reform, Shire-thain, Shirriff-houses, Shirriffs, Silver Pennies, Sloe, Smallburrow Family, Smials, Snapdragons, Solmath, South Lane, Southern Star, Southfarthing of the Shire, Southlinch, Starlings, Stock, Stock Road, Stoors of the Angle, Storks, Strider, Summerdays, Summerfilth, Sunday, Sunflowers, Sunnendei, Sûza, Swertings, Swish-tail, Tale of the Ring, Tanta Hornblower, Thain of the Shire, The Angle, The Boss, The Causeway, The Fat, The Floating Log, The Golden Perch, The Great, The Guardians, The Ivy Bush, The Magnificent, The Marish, The Pool, The Ring, The Ring-bearer, The River, The Rules, The Smials, The South, The Stock-brook, The Towers, The Watch, The Water, The Wise, The Yale, Third Age, Thistle Brook, Thistles, Thorin and Company, Three-Farthing Stone, Thrimidge, Thrimilch, Tighfield, Toads, Tobold Hornblower, Tolman Tom Cotton, senior, Tolman Tom Gamgee, Tom Bombadil, Took Family, Tookland, Tosto Boffin, Tower Hills, Town Hole, Travellers, Trewesdei, Trewsday, Tuckborough, Tûk Family, Tunnelly Family, Turnips, Twofoot Family, Underhill, Underhill Family, Undertowers, Vigo Boffin, Vines, Vinyarion, War of the Ring, Warden of Westmarch, Water-valley, Waymeet, Wellinghall, West-gate of Bree, Westfarthing of the Shire, Westmarch of the Shire, White Downs, White Towers, White Wolves, Whitfoot Family, Whitfurrows, Whitwell, Wilcome Jolly Cotton, Will Whitfoot, Willie Banks, Willow-man, Willowbottom, Wintring, Wise People, Wise-nose, Wolf, Woodhall, Woody End, Worm, Wraith-lord, Yearbook of Tuckborough, Yellowskin, Yule, Yuledays, Yulemath, Zaragamba Family
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- Updated 21 February 2008
- Updates planned: 50
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