The title given to the greatest Elves of Middle-earth and the chief Wizards, who formed the White Council in the Third Age.
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Some among the Wise (the Wizards) had even existed before the beginning of the world, and had a part in its making. The dates shown on the timeline above trace the 558 years between the formation of the Council of the Wise in III 2463, and the sailing of the White Ship from the Grey Havens. When that Ship sailed into the West at the end of the Third Age, it carried most of the Wise that remained away from Middle-earth. |
See also...
Aiwendil, Dark Lord, Dol Guldur, Eye of Mordor, Gandalf, Great Ring of Power, Isildur, Istar, Lord of the Nazgûl, Mallor, Mount Doom, Nazgûl of Dol Guldur, Necromancer, Quest of Mount Doom, River Anduin, [See the full list...]Saruman, Three Keepers, War of the Ring, Watchful Peace
About this entry:
- Updated 12 October 2002
- Updates planned: 8
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