To Gollum, the Sun and the Moon were the Yellow Face and the White Face, and he seemed to detest both with equal venom. He claimed that both the Faces hurt his eyes, likely due to the centuries he had spent lurking in the black caverns beneath the Misty Mountains. He also feared what even the pale light of the White Face might reveal, and when the Moon shone at night, he would wait for it to set before venturing out on his secret errands.
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Our only reference to the use of this term for the Moon is by Sméagol (Gollum), who called the Moon the White Face (and the Sun the Yellow Face). These names seem to have been Gollum's own inventions, but they might in principle have come from the culture of Stoors in which he was raised.
About this entry:
- Updated 31 December 2024
- This entry is complete
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