The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Made into a refuge for the Rangers of Ithilien in III 2901
North Ithilien, on a stream running out of Ephel Dúath
Famed for its beauty since the early days of Gondor, but later established as a hidden fortification for the defenders of Ithilien
The source of the stream that ran over the waterfall was in the northern Ephel Dúath, northeastward of the Window
The stream ran on southwestwards to join Anduin below Cair Andros
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 November 2018
  • This entry is complete

Window on the West

The Curtain of Henneth Annûn

Map of the Window on the West

In the northern parts of Ithilien, a stream ran out of Ephel Dúath and down towards Anduin. On its upper reaches, the stream ran over a lip of rock and formed a fine waterfall running down into a pool. Behind the waterfall was a recess in the rock, and from there as the Sun set a viewer looking out westward from behind the fall would see a spectacular show of colour and light as the ebbing sunlight filtered through the curtain of spray. This was Henneth Annûn, the Window on the West, or the Window of the Sunset (Elvish annûn could be translated as either 'west' or 'sunset').

In later times North Ithilien fell under the power of Mordor, and the Gondorians secretly hollowed out the recess behind the fall and expanded it to create a hidden refuge. From here, the Rangers of Ithilien set out on raids against the soldiers of the Enemy who passed through the land. It was here that Faramir brought Frodo and Samwise during their journey through Ithilien, and learning of the Ring he selflessly chose to release them, along with their guide Sméagol.


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 November 2018
  • This entry is complete

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