Eldacar son of Valacar was crowned as the rightful King of Gondor in III 1432. Because he was descended in part from the Northmen of Rhovanion, his political enemies conspired against him, in a period known as the Kin-strife. After just five years on the throne, he was forced from the Kingship and driven into exile in Rhovanion, while Castamir took the title of King in his place.
Castamir proved himself to be a cruel King, and after ten years many of the people of Gondor were ready to support the return of Eldacar. The opposing leaders each gathered a force of arms, and the two met at the Crossings of Erui in Lebennin, on the road between Minas Tirith and Pelargir. The Battle of the Crossings of Erui that followed saw great slaughter, but Eldacar himself slew the Usurper and forced Castamir's forces into retreat. They fled southwards, and were besieged for a time at Pelargir, before making their escape by sea.
With Castamir's sons among them, they were able to establish themselves at Umbar. That distant southern Haven had been a loyal colony of Gondor, but under Castamir's descendants it became a new enemy. So Eldacar won a victory at the Crossings of Erui, but set the scene for greater troubles in the future of his land.
About this entry:
- Updated 30 June 2011
- This entry is complete
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