The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The central and southern parts of Eriador
Into the Great Sea north of Eryn Vorn
'Heady ale'; a corruption of Branda-nîn, 'border-water', itself modelled on Elvish Baranduin, 'golden brown river'
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 July 2024
  • This entry is complete

River Bralda-hîm

‘Heady ale’

Map of the river known as Bralda-hîm

The long river that flowed southward from Nenuial was called Baranduin by the Elves, a name that meant approximately 'golden brown river'. When the Hobbits settled in the Shire during the Third Age, a part of this river formed their new eastern border, and they took a name modelled on the original Elvish: Branda-nîn, meaning 'border-water'.

In the playful, punning character of the Hobbits, though, the river's name evolved over time to become Bralda-hîm, relating to its golden brown colour and meaning 'heady ale'. This later name became the ultimate source of Tolkien's anglicised version of the Hobbit-name, which is Brandywine.

See also...

River Branda-nîn


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 July 2024
  • This entry is complete

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