The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Built in or shortly before II 8581
On the isle of Tol Uinen in the bay of Rómenna
Built by Aldarion the Great Captain
Aldarion was a descendant of the House of Elros
Associated with Rómenna in eastern Númenor
Other names


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  • Updated 5 January 2021
  • This entry is complete


The Light-tower of Tol Uinen

Map of the Calmindon
The location of the Calmindon on Tol Uinen (somewhat conjectural)2
The location of the Calmindon on Tol Uinen (somewhat conjectural)2

Tol Uinen was an island in the long bay of Rómenna that ran into the eastern coastlands of Númenor. The island was sacred to Uinen herself, and it was here that the Guild of Venturers often berthed their guild-ship Eämbar. The Great Captain of the Guild, Aldarion, built a tall tower on the island to carry a beacon as a warning to ships in the bay. He called this tower Calmindon, a name which is simply Elvish for 'Shining tower' or 'Light-tower'.



We have no definite dates for the building of the Calmindon, but it was certainly raised in the time before the betrothal of Aldarion and Erendis, which places its construction within a few years of II 858. We cannot be sure how long it stood on Tol Uinen, but it might conceivably have survived until the Downfall of Númenor in II 3319 (nearly 2,500 years later) in which it would unavoidably have been destroyed.


We have no map showing exactly where the Calmindon stood, and all we're told about its island of Tol Uinen is that it lay somewhere in the bay of Rómenna. This was a narrow bay much used by ships, so presumably the island was in one of the wider parts of the channel where it would not interfere significantly with the waterborne traffic of the bay. This is the reasoning behind the location shown on the map, though in principle the island might have stood at any point within the bay of Rómenna.

See also...

Light-tower, Tol Uinen


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 January 2021
  • This entry is complete

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