Probably 'son of trees'
Other names
Captain of the King's Ships, Captain of Ships, Father of the Isle, Great Captain, Heir of Eärendil, King of the Dúnedain, King of Númenor, King of Númenórë, King of the Númenóreans, Lord of the Havens, Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor, The Mariner-king, Master of the Forests, Ruler of Númenor
About this entry:
- Updated 14 February 2013
- Updates planned: 1
The Heir of Tar-Meneldur of Númenor, a great explorer of Middle-earth, who took the Kingship of Númenor under the name Tar-Aldarion.
See also...
Ailinel, Anardil, Anardilya, Ancalimë, Ancalimë, Aranel, Atarinya, Caliondo, Calmindon, Captain of Ships, Captain of the Kings Ships, Daughter of Uinen, Drúedain of Númenor, Eämbar, Elestirnë, [See the full list...]Elves of Lindon, Far-wanderer, Father of the Isle, Galadriel, Great Captain, Great Haven, Great Isle, Great Middle Haven, Guild of Venturers, Guildhouse of the Venturers, Hatholdir, Haven-finder, Henderch, Hirilondë, Îbal, Indis i·Kiryamo, Írildë, King of Númenor, Lady of the Star-brow, Lady of the Westlands, Light-tower, Lissuin, Lond Daer Enedh, Lord of the Havens, Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor, Mariner-king, Master of the Forests, Meneldur, New Haven, North Wind, Númerrámar, Onya, Orchaldor, Palarran, Return, River Baranduin, River Gwathir, Sea-longing, Sheep-lord, Star-watcher, Tar-Ancalimë, Tar-Elestirnë, Tarinya, The Lord, The Lords, The Wooden Whale, Tol Uinen, Turuphanto, Uinendili, Uinéniel, Ulbar, Venturers, Vinyalondë, West-wings, White House of Erendis, White Lady, White Lady of Emerië, Yôzâyan
About this entry:
- Updated 14 February 2013
- Updates planned: 1
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