The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Erendis lived from II 771 - II 985 (214 years); she was named 'Daughter of Uinen' in II 850
Given aboard the ship Eämbar anchored off Andúnië
A distant descendant of the House of Bëor
Uinen is pronounced 'ui'nen' ('ui' as in English 'ruin')
Uinen probably means 'watery weed'
Title of
Other names
A translation of Elvish Uinéniel


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 July 2019
  • This entry is complete

Daughter of Uinen

A title rejected by Erendis

"Call me by no such name! I am no daughter of Uinen: rather is she my foe."
Words of Erendis at Andúnië
Unfinished Tales Part Two II
Aldarion and Erendis

During the time that Aldarion was courting Erendis, they travelled to Andúnië in the west of Númenor to take part in the celebrations of the centenary of the Guild of Venturers. There they were received by Valandil, the first Lord of Andúnië, and he held a great feast for them. At that feast he toasted Erendis, naming her Uinéniel, translated 'Daughter of Uinen' (Uinen being a Maia of the Sea and adopted patron of the Venturers). Erendis, who held no love of the Sea, openly rejected the title, going so far as to name Uinen her enemy.

See also...

Uinendili, Uinéniel


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 July 2019
  • This entry is complete

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