The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Uncertain; extant during the earlier part of the twentieth century of the Third Age1
A descendant of Vidugavia, King of Rhovanion
Uncertain; probably 'fo'rthwini'


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 July 2010
  • This entry is complete


A lord of the Northmen

Lords of the Éothéod and their predecessors

Marhwini of the Northmen led his people away from the attacks of the Wainriders to settle in the Vales of Anduin. Forthwini was his son, and thus an early lord of the people who would become known as the Éothéod. In alliance with Calimhetar of Gondor, his father Marhwini had staged a counterattack on the Wainriders that had sapped their strength. Forty or more years later, Forthwini received intelligence that the old enemies of his people were preparing for war once again, and indeed his Northmen suffered raids in their southern lands, from both the Forest and the Great River. Forthwini sent warning to his old ally of Gondor, now ruled by Calimehtar's son Ondoher, and thus set in action the chain of events that would lead to the decisive Battle of the Camp.



The only direct detail we have that gives a bearing on Forthwini's dates is his warning to Ondoher of Gondor about the reemerging Wainriders. Ondoher came to the throne in III 1936, so Forthwini must have sent his message (and therefore been ruler of his people) after this date.

Not long afterwards in III 1944, Forthwini's people joined with Gondor to defeat the Wainriders, but Forthwini himself seems not to have taken part in that battle. It's unclear whether this means that he had died by that time, or merely that he was too old to take an active part in combat.


Forthwini's name is derived from Gothic (a now extinct Germanic language representing the actual ancient tongue of the Northmen). The element -wini means 'friend' in that language, but forth- is uncertain. One interpretation gives it essentially the same meaning as in modern English, as in 'go forth, go forward'. If this is correct, it would presumably relate to Forthwini's status as the son of the lord who led the Northmen from their homes in Rhovanion.


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 July 2010
  • This entry is complete

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