A title for the ruler of the Éothéod, a branch of the Northmen who lived in the lands around the sources of Anduin. The title is only explicitly given to Eorl, the King who led his people southwards and founded the realm of Rohan, but it presumably dates back to the time of Eorl's ancestor Frumgar, who first brought his people to settle in the Northlands.
For a detailed list of the known rulers of the Éothéod, see the entry for Lord of the Éothéod.
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The exact date of the founding of the Éothéod is uncertain, but this people established themselves in response to events in III 1856, so the line of Kings probably dates from around that time. It should be noted that the rulers of this people were more usually referred to as Lords of the Éothéod (only Eorl is explicitly titled 'King') so it may be that the tradition of royal rule did not arise until later in the history of this people.
About this entry:
- Updated 11 April 2010
- Updates planned: 1
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