A title of Finrod, who founded the citadel and realm of Nargothrond in West Beleriand. After his loss, the Kingship passed to his brother Orodreth.
I |
Finrod Felagund |
Ruled from I 102 to I 465 (363 years) The founder of Nargothrond, Finrod spent fifty years creating his great underground stronghold, and ruled it for many more after its completion. He pursued a policy of cautious watchfulness, though he fought valiantly in the Dagor Bragollach. Called on to fulfil an oath of allegiance, he agreed to aid Beren on the Quest of the Silmaril. Finding only a handful of his people ready to follow him, he abdicated his Kingship in favour of his brother Orodreth, and set out to his death. |
II |
Orodreth |
Ruled from I 465 to I 495 (30 years) Though the rightful heir of his brother Finrod, Orodreth at first found his authority undermined by Fëanor's sons Celegorm and Curufin. After the brothers' part in Finrod's death was revealed, however, they were exiled from Nargothrond and Orodreth was able to establish himself as a true ruler. Later in his reign, Túrin was brought to Nargothrond, and persuaded Orodreth to abandon his policy of secret defence in favour of open warfare. This proved to be a fatal mistake, and just five years after Túrin's arrival Orodreth died in battle and the halls of Nargothrond were sacked. |
See also...
Barahir, Black Sword of Brethil, Captain of Nargothrond, Celegorm, Doors of Felagund, Edrahil, Elf-kings, House of Finrod, King of the Eldar, Lord of Narog, Morgoth, Nómin, People of Narog, Quest for the Silmaril, Sack of Nargothrond, [See the full list...]The Encampment, The Secret, Thurin, Úmarth, Vassal
About this entry:
- Updated 19 January 2010
- Updates planned: 2
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