The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The land of Rohan was founded in III 2510, and remained extant into the Fourth Age
The northern borderlands of Rohan, whose boundary was formally marked by the course of the river Limlight
Part of the realm ruled by the House of Eorl
Other names
Associated with, and perhaps synonymous with, the northern part of Rohan known as the Wold


About this entry:

  • Updated 16 December 2023
  • This entry is complete


The northern reaches of Rohan

Map of the North-borders of Rohan
The North-borders of the land of Rohan1
The North-borders of the land of Rohan1
"You will not find your friends on the North-borders."
Words of Éomer
The Two Towers III 2
The Riders of Rohan

A term used in Rohan for the northern reaches of that realm, or at least for part of those northern reaches. When used by Éomer, it applied to the lands on the fringes of the Entwood, which marked the western parts of Rohan's northern boundaries. To the east of the forest ran the wild region known as the Wold, itself bordered to the north by the river Limlight. Given this geography, we might expect that the Wold also belonged to Rohan's North-borders. In our sole recorded use of the term, however, Éomer is speaking to the Three Hunters in a region of the Eastemnet rather to the southward of the Wold, and so the precise sense of the name remains slightly ambiguous.



It is a little unclear exactly which part of this border region was referred to be the name 'North-borders'. From context, it may possibly have applied to the western part of the borders, towards Fangorn Forest, but probably the more natural interpretation would incorporate this entire area in the far north of Rohan. The formal northern border was marked by the course of the river Limlight.


About this entry:

  • Updated 16 December 2023
  • This entry is complete

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