The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Uncertain, but presumably ancient1
In Fangorn Forest, on the lower slopes of Methedras
Wellinghall stood beneath a tributary spring of the upper Entwash
Important peaks
Beneath Methedras
'Hall beneath the spring'
Other names
Original name not recorded2


About this entry:

  • Updated 14 November 2022
  • This entry is complete


The Ent-house beneath a spring of Entwash

Map of Wellinghall
Wellinghall in Fangorn Forest (somewhat conjectural)3
Wellinghall in Fangorn Forest (somewhat conjectural)3

One of the Ent-houses of Treebeard, formed by a narrow space in the slopes of Methedras, guarded and flanked by evergreen trees. The roofless 'hall' came to an end in a sheer rock wall, down which flowed a stream welling - hence the name 'Wellinghall' - from a spring that fed the river Entwash. The stream flowed down the rocky cliff, and fell to form a shimmering curtain across the arched entrance to an inner hall, where Treebeard kept his meagre furniture. From there, it flowed between the trees that lined the main space, and on to join again with the main flow of the Entwash.

Wellinghall is best known as the place where Merry and Pippin stayed with Treebeard on the night before Entmoot. It was here that they were first given Ent-draughts by Treebeard, and so grew to become the two tallest Hobbits recorded in the histories of the Shire.



We're never given any hints about the age of Wellinghall. We know that Treebeard was in Beleriand during at least some of the First Age, and he must have crossed the Blue Mountains before the end of that Age. We can probably therefore place the founding of Wellinghall sometime in the Second Age (which would make it several thousand years old by the end of the Third) but the lack of hard information makes it impossible to be more precise.


'Wellinghall' was the not the original name of this place, but a partial translation of the original Entish name; that full Entish name is not recorded.


We don't have a map showing exactly where Wellinghall lay within Fangorn, so the location shown here is based on textual references. Specifically, we're told that Wellinghall was about sixty miles from Treebeard's Hill, and that hill was relatively close to the point where the river Entwash flowed out of the forest. We're also told that Wellinghall stood in the foothills beneath the southern Misty Mountains. So, based on all these clues, the Ent-house of Treebeard must have been somewhere close to the point marked on this map.


About this entry:

  • Updated 14 November 2022
  • This entry is complete

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