A name given, at least at the time of the War of the Ring, to Minas Tirith, Gondor's great fortified city that stood at the eastern extent of the White Mountains. In fact, at the time of the country's founding, Gondor's chief city had been Osgiliath, some miles east and north of Minas Tirith, but this ancient city did not survive through the Third Age. King Tarondor abandoned Osgiliath for Minas Anor in III 1640, and from that time on Minas Anor, later renamed Minas Tirith, was truly the City of Gondor.
See also...
Captain of the Dúnedain of Arnor, City Gate, City of the Men of Gondor, Dead City, Dead Tree, Dervorin, East Anórien, Fell Riders, Forlong, Gate of Gondor, Green Hills, Hallas, Lord of the City, Morgul-host, Old Guesthouse, [See the full list...]Pelennor Fields, Riders of West-mark, River Anduin, Ship of Long-foam, Silent Hill, Stone-houses, The Tower, Tower of Ecthelion
About this entry:
- Updated 3 December 2021
- This entry is complete
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