The eighteenth Steward to rule over Gondor, the great-grandson of Belecthor I, Egalmoth succeeded the childless Ecthelion I as his nearest living kin. In his time, it seems, Orcs began to trouble Gondor once again, and Egalmoth's armies went to war with this new foe. In III 2710, Egalmoth received a plea for aid from Déor of Rohan, who was himself greatly troubled by the Dunlendings, but the Orc-wars kept Egalmoth from sending help. He was succeeded as Steward by his son Beren.
The date of Egalmoth's birth appears only in The History of Middle-earth volume XII, The Peoples of Middle-earth. It cannot therefore be considered completely reliable.
We are fortunate to have a detailed etymology of Egalmoth's name. It was derived from an archaic form Ægamloth, where aeg indicated a point, and amloth was literally 'uprising flower', used here to refer to a device attached to the crest of a tall helmet.