About this entry:
- Updated 25 January 2006
- Updates planned: 4
Ancient enemies of the Rohirrim
Wild Men who inhabited Dunland in the southern regions of Eriador during the Second and Third Ages; the sworn enemies of the Rohirrim.
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We know that Dunland was founded sometime during the Dark Years of the Second Age, but there is no detailed account of the settlement of the first Dunlendings. |
See also...
Aldor the Old, Battle of the Hornburg, Brytta Léofa, Days of Dearth, Deeping Wall, Déor, Dunland, Dunlendish, Egalmoth, Entwash Vale, Folcred, Forgoil, Fréa, Fréaláf Hildeson, Freca, [See the full list...]Full Muster, Goblin-men, Goldwine, Gram, Haleth, Háma, Haudh in Gwanûr, Helm Hammerhand, Helmingas, Helms Deep, Hild, Hildeson, Hill-men, Horse-boys, Horsemen of Rohan, King of Rohan, King of the Second Line, Lord of Harrowdale, Lord of Isengard, Men of Darkness, Men of Dunland, Men of the Mountains, Misty Mountains, Muster of Westfold, Orcs of the White Hand, Pre-Númenórean, Riders of West-mark, River Lefnui, Robbers of the North, Rohan, Ruling Steward, Saruman, Snow-trolls, Southerners, Steward of Gondor, Strawheads, Súthburg, The Courts, The Deeping, War of the Ring, West-march of Rohan, West-mark, Westfold Vale, Wild Lands, Wulf
About this entry:
- Updated 25 January 2006
- Updates planned: 4
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