Originated among the
Men of the Éothéod ; later founded the
Eorl's seat in
Rohan was at
Essentially as modern English 'earl'1
About this entry:
Updated 21 July 2007
Updates planned: 10
Kings of Rohan
Eorl Brego Aldor Fréa Fréawine Goldwine Déor Gram Helm Hammerhand (Wulf) Fréaláf Brytta Léofa Walda Folca Folcwine Fengel Thengel Théoden Éomer Elfwine
The son of Léod of the Éothéod , and founder of Rohan . When Gondor was assailed beyond hope, they sent north to Eorl for aid, and he came south in force to rout the enemies of the South-kingdom . As reward, Steward Cirion granted him and his people the land of Calenardhon to dwell in.
The connection with the English word earl is no coincidence: in fact, Old English eorl , used to describe a nobleman, is the ultimate origin of the modern English word.
See also...
Aldburg , Balchoth , Baldor , Barrowfield , Battle of the Field of Celebrant , Borondir , Brego , Calenardhon , Chronicle of Cirion and Eorl , City of the Corsairs , Council of Elders , Dark Plague , Déor , East Anórien , Eofor , [See the full list...] Éoherë , Éomund , Eorlingas , Eorlings , Éothéod , Felaróf , Field of Celebrant , Forgoil , Fréa , Full Muster , Galadriel , Great People of the West , Hallas , Hallows of Minas Tirith , Háma , Helmingas , Hill of Anwar , Hill of Awe , Hithaeglir , Holy Mount , Horn of the Mark , Horsebreeders , Horsemen of Rohan , Horsemen of the North , Horses , House of Eorl , Isildur , King of Calenardhon , King of Rohan , King of the Éothéod , King of the Mark of the Riders , King of the Rohirrim , King of the Second Line , Kingdom of the Rohirrim , Kings Company , Lady of the Wood , Léod , Lord of Rohan , Lord of the Éothéod , Lord of the Fields of Rohan , Lord of the Mundburg , Lord of the Rohirrim , Mansbane , Mearas , Meduseld , Men of Darkness , Men of Rhûn , Men of the Éothéod , Men of the Mark , Men of the Riddermark , Mering Stream , Mistress of Magic , Misty Mountains , Mound of Elendil , North Undeep , Oath of Cirion , Oath of Cirion and Eorl , Oath of Eorl , Ride of Eorl , Rider of Last Hope , Riders of Eorl , Riders of Rohan , Riders of the Mark , Riders of the North , River Anduin , Robbers of the North , Rochan , Rochann , Rochirrim , Rochon Methestel , Rohan , Rohirrim , Ruling Steward , Scatha , Seal of the Stewards , Sons of Eorl , Steward of Gondor , Stirrupless , Súlimë , Tale of Cirion and Eorl , The Riders , The Young , Tomb of Elendil , Tradition of Isildur , Udalraph , Úrui , West-march of Rohan , White Horse upon Green , White Mountains
About this entry:
Updated 21 July 2007
Updates planned: 10
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