Probably founded at the time of the Great Journey in the far distant past, though this is uncertain
On the banks of the river Celebrant, to the southeast of Khazad-dûm
The chief city of Lórien was Caras Galadhon
Perhaps 'land of gold'2
Other names
Dwimordene, The Golden Wood, The Hidden Land, Land of the Valley of Singing Gold, Laurelindórenan, Lindórinand, Lórien of the Blossom, Lórinand, Lothlórien, Vale of the Land of the Singers, Valley of Gold
About this entry:
- Updated 20 June 2004
- Updates planned: 24
Note that the exact locations of Cerin Amroth and Caras Galadhon are not known. The positions shown on this map are speculations based on the text of The Lord of the Rings.
Note that the exact locations of Cerin Amroth and Caras Galadhon are not known. The positions shown on this map are speculations based on the text of The Lord of the Rings.
A woodland kingdom of the Silvan Elves on the western banks of the river Anduin; Galadriel and Celeborn came there in the Third Age, and ruled it after the loss of its ancient lord, Amroth.
1 |
That is, the people of Lórien were of Silvan origin. They were ruled in the later Third Age by Galadriel and Celeborn, neither of whom were Silvan Elves. Galadriel was of the Noldor, and Celeborn, at least according to the published Silmarillion, was of the Sindar. |
2 |
This is the literal meaning, almost certainly in reference to the golden Mallorn trees that grew in Lórien. The form of the name, though, is almost certainly influenced by the older names of the land, and (especially) by Lórien in Valinor, which Galadriel would certainly have known, and quite possibly visited. This version of the name, though, derives from (o)lor-, 'dream' rather than (g)lor- 'gold', and this connection with dreams is also sometimes made regarding Lórien in Middle-earth. |
See also...
Angmar, Aragorn Elessar, Arwen Evenstar, Balrogs, Battle of the Peak, Bridge of Nimrodel, Caras Galadhon, Celebrían, Cerin Amroth, City of the Trees, Dark Days, Dark Elves, Dark Lord, Dreamflower, Durins Bane, [See the full list...]Durins Day, Dwimmerlaik, Dwimordene, East Lórien, Egladil, Elanor, Eldarion, Elessar, Elf-friend, Elfstone, Elfstone, Elladan, Elmo, Elrohir, Elven-cloaks, Elven-rings, Elven-wise, Elvenesse, Elves beyond the Sea, Elves of Eregion, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Lórien, Elves of Lórinand, Elves of the Wood, Elvish, Emyn Duir, Evereven, Fangorn Forest, Field of Celebrant, Flame of the West, Fragrant Trees, Galadhon, Galadhriel, Galadhrim, Galadriel, Gamgee Family, Gladden River, Golden Tree, Golden Wood, Gollum, Great Year of Plenty, Haldir, Harts-tongue, Hidden Land, Hithaeglir, Hithlain, Isildur, Kibil-nâla, King of Lórien, King of the Galadhrim, King of the Silvan Elves, Lady of Lórien, Lady of the Elves, Lady of the Galadhrim, Lady of the Golden Wood, Lady of the Noldor, Lady of the Wood, Land of the Valley of Singing Gold, Laurelindórenan, Lay of Nimrodel, Lenwë, Lindórinand, Lockbearer, Lord and Lady, Lord of Lórien, Lord of Lothlórien, Lord of the Galadhrim, Lórien of the Blossom, Lórinand, Lothlórien, Malgalad, Malinorni, Masters of Spirits, Mellyrn (Mallorns), Mistress of Magic, Misty Mountains, Mount Everwhite, Naked Hill, Nandor, Nandorin, Nenya, Nimrodel, Niphredil, Nísimaldar, Noldor of Eregion, North Undeep, Northern Fences, Nurufantur, Orcs of Dol Guldur, Orcs of the Eye, Orophin, Parth Celebrant, Phial of Galadriel, Poplars, Prince of Dol Amroth, Queen of Gondor, Ring of Adamant, Ring of Barahir, Ring of Sapphire, Ring of Water, River Anduin, River Celebrant, River Nimrodel, River Silverlode, Rúmil of Lórien, Shadow, Shire-reckoning, Silvan Elves, Silvan Elvish, Sons of Elrond, Sorceress of the Golden Wood, South Undeep, South Wind, Star-glass, Swan-ships, The Angle, The Angle, The Gore, The Naith, The Númenórean, The Singers, The Terror, The Tongue, Three Keepers, Three Rings, Vale of the Great River, Vale of the Land of the Singers, Valley of Gold, War of the Last Alliance, War of the Ring, White Lady, White Ring, Whortleberry, Wood of Greenleaves, Woodland Realm, Yrch
About this entry:
- Updated 20 June 2004
- Updates planned: 24
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