The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Silvan Elves of Greenwood the Great gradually removed northward during the Second and Third Ages to found the Woodland Realm in the north of the forest
Geographically, the northern section of the great dark forest of Mirkwood, but as the name of a land, 'Northern Mirkwood' referred more specifically to the Woodland Realm of the Elves in the northeast
The Enchanted River rose in the hills of Northern Mirkwood
The Enchanted River joined the Forest River that ran through this part of the forest, before emptying into the Long Lake to the east
Important peaks
The Mountains of Mirkwood ran across Northern Mirkwood from west to east
Mirkwood simply means 'murky wood'
Other names
As the name of a kingdom, Northern Mirkwood was commonly known as the Woodland Realm


About this entry:

  • Updated 14 February 2025
  • Updates planned: 1

As the power of Dol Guldur grew in the south of the Mirkwood, the Silvan Elves of the Forest gradually withdrew through the darkened trees into the north. By the last centuries of the Third Age, they had reached the extreme northeast of Mirkwood, and there established an underground stronghold from which the Elvenking Thranduil ruled a Woodland Realm. Though geographically 'Northern Mirkwood' might refer to a wide tract of the Forest, as a proper name it is always used as synonym for Thranduil's Woodland Realm in the northeast near to the Long Lake.

See also...



About this entry:

  • Updated 14 February 2025
  • Updates planned: 1

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