The thuggish Men brought into the Shire originally by Lotho Sackville-Baggins to aid in his takeover. Lotho's headquarters were at Bag End in Hobbiton, and it was there that his Men were mainly concentrated, but they also set up camps throughout the Shire; we know of other encampments at Longbottom, Sarn Ford, Waymeet and Woody End.
After his defeat at Isengard, Saruman travelled to the Shire with Gríma Wormtongue. He became known there as Sharkey, and when he took over control from Lotho, the ruffians acquired the name of 'Sharkey's Men'. They continued to hold order under Sharkey until the return of the Travellers from the War of the Ring. Frodo Baggins and his comparions stirred the Shire-folk to rebellion, bringing about the defeat of Sharkey's Men - most notably at the Battle of Bywater - and ultimately the downfall of 'Sharkey' himself.
See also...
Battle of Bywater, Battle Pit, Bowman Nick Cotton, Bridge of Stonebows, Bywater Pool, Carl Nibs Cotton, Chiefs Men, Cotton Family, Deputy Mayor, Elven-cloaks, Forelithe, Green Dragon, Harry Goatleaf, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (née Bracegirdle), New Row, [See the full list...]Paladin Took II, Party Tree, Scary, Sharkeys End, Sharkû, Shire-muster, South Lane, The Boss, The Floating Log, Waymeet, Wilcome Jolly Cotton
About this entry:
- Updated 28 May 2014
- This entry is complete
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