About this entry:
- Updated 18 April 2004
- Updates planned: 2
A nickname for Saruman given by his servants and soldiers in Isengard and later used in the Shire during the last stages of the War of the Ring. In its origin we catch a rare glimpse of an Orkish word: sharkû, which is said to mean, 'old man'.
See also...
Battle Gardens, Battle of Bywater, Battle Pit, Better Smials, Black Speech, Bowman Nick Cotton, Bridge of Stonebows, Brockenbores, Bywater Pool, Bywater Road, Chief Shirriff, Chiefs Men, Crickhollow, Deputy Mayor, Elven-cloaks, [See the full list...]Forelithe, Gamgee Family, Gate-keepers, Golden Tree, Green Dragon, Halfred Gamgee, Hísimë, Hobbiton Hill, Hobbiton Road, Hobbitry-in-arms, Horn of the Mark, Horn-call of Buckland, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (née Bracegirdle), Lockholes, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Master of Buckland, Mayor of Michel Delving, Mice, Old Gamgee, Old Will, Paladin Took II, Party Tree, Pimple, Ponto Baggins, Pool Side, Quick Post, Saruman, Scary, Sharkeys End, Sharkeys Men, Sharkû, Shire-muster, Shire-reckoning, Shirriff-houses, South Lane, Ted Sandyman, The Floating Log, The Magnificent, The Pool, The Watch, The Water, Travellers, Vigo Boffin, Whitfoot Family, Will Whitfoot, Woody End
About this entry:
- Updated 18 April 2004
- Updates planned: 2
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