About this entry:
- Updated 10 May 2017
- Updates planned: 1
River Gelion
The river that marked Beleriands eastern border
The long river in eastern Beleriand that ran south from the marches of Lothlann, and separated the lands of Thargelion and Ossiriand from East Beleriand.
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We do not in fact have any definite evidence of Gelion's ultimate outflow, but it seems unavoidable that its waters would have reached the Great Sea eventually. |
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Tolkien himself seems rather uncertain about the river's name. The earliest translation is into Old English (from volume IV of the History of Middle-earth) as Glæden, making it an equivalent of the later Gladden River. At another point (The Etymologies in volume V) he also associated it with Elvish roots meaning 'merry' and 'bright'. In late notes, he seems to have intended to adjust the name to make its ultimate source Dwarvish: Gabilán, meaning simply 'great river'. |
See also...
Amrod, Celegorm, Dor Caranthir, Dwarf-road, East Beleriand, East Vale, Elu Thingol, Elves, Elves of Beleriand, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Ossiriand, Ford of Stones, Forest between the Rivers, Gabilgathol, Greater Gelion, [See the full list...]Haldad, Hill of Himring, Lake Helevorn, Land of Caranthir, Land of Seven Rivers, Little Gelion, Long Wall, Maglor, Ossiriand, People of Haleth, Ramdal, River Brilthor, River Duilwen, River Legolin, River Thalos, Sarn Athrad, Seven Rivers of Ossir, Sons of Fëanor, Talath Rhúnen, Thargelion, The Encampment, Walls End
About this entry:
- Updated 10 May 2017
- Updates planned: 1
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