The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Particularly associated with Helm's Deep, where King Helm had sheltered from Dunlending invaders
Literally 'sons of Helm', though 'sons' is here meant in the figurative sense of 'followers' or 'successors'; the name Helm meant 'protector'
Other names
A variant on the same model as Eorlingas, 'sons of Eorl' (Eorl being the founder of Rohan)
Title of
Used of the Rohirrim, and specifically the defenders of Helm's Deep during the War of the Ring


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 August 2023
  • This entry is complete


The descendants of Helm Hammerhand

By custom, the Men of Rohan called themselves Eorlingas in their own tongue, the followers of Eorl their first King. Helm Hammerhand was the eighth descendant of Eorl to hold Rohan's throne, and he came close to losing his kingdom when he was driven into the refuge of Helm's Deep by invading Dunlendings. Centuries later, the Men of Rohan found themselves in similar straits during the War of the Ring. Helm's struggle was remembered then, when Gamling referred to the defending Rohirrim not as Eorlingas, but as Helmingas, the descendants of King Helm Hammerhand who had successfully defended the Deep centuries earlier.



This is not to suggest that the name Helmingas was never used at any other time, but our only recorded instance is in Gamling's rallying cry at the defence of Helm's Deep (a situation for which it was particularly apt).

See also...



About this entry:

  • Updated 20 August 2023
  • This entry is complete

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