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Updated 14 November 2010
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The rolling green land that became Rohan
Fiefs and regions of Gondor
Anfalas Anórien Belfalas (Calenardhon) Dor-en-Ernil (Harondor) Ithilien Lamedon Lebennin Lossarnach
Wide green land in the north of Gondor ; gifted by Steward Cirion to Eorl the Young , and thereafter named Rohan .
We have very little information about the occupants of Calenardhon before the arrival of the Rohirrim , but it is known that the fortresses at Aglarond and Angrenost (later known as the Hornburg and Isengard ) were established in the western part of this area early in Gondor's history.
Both the size of this region, and the fact that the Gondorians invested in its defence, argue for the existence of other settlements, but none are explicitly recorded. The name Aldburg given to Eorl's first capital (meaning 'old fortress') might hint that it was founded on the site of an earlier Gondorian township, but other interpretations are possible.
See also...
Beacons of Gondor , Caverns of Helms Deep , Chronicle of Cirion and Eorl , Cirion , Dark Plague , East Anórien , Éomund , Eorl , Eorlings , Éothéod , Felaróf , Gap of Calenardhon , Gates of Gondor , Gondorians , Great People of the West , [See the full list...] Great West Road , Hallas , Hill of Anwar , Hithaeglir , Holy Mount , Horse-lords , Horsebreeders , Horsemen of Rohan , Húrin II , Isildur , King of Calenardhon , King of Rohan , King of the Mark of the Riders , Kingdom of the Rohirrim , Lord of the Éothéod , Lord of the Mundburg , Men of Rohan , Men of the Éothéod , Men of the Mark , Men of the Riddermark , Mering Stream , Mound of Elendil , Mountains of Gondor , Muster of Westfold , North Road , North-South Road , Oath of Cirion , Oath of Cirion and Eorl , Riders of Eorl , Riders of the Mark , Riders of the North , River Anduin , River Limlaith , River Limlich , Robbers of the North , Rochan , Rochann , Rochirrim , Rohan , Ruling Steward , Steward of Gondor , Tale of Cirion and Eorl , Témar , The Burg , The Plague , The Riders , The Usurper , Third Age , Tomb of Elendil , Tradition of Isildur , West Road , Whispering Wood , White Mountains , Wild Lands
About this entry:
Updated 14 November 2010
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