The earliest known member of the Bolger family to be mentioned in records is the patriarch Gundolpho Bolger. Gundolpho and his wife Alfrida had three sons, of whom Gundahad was the third and youngest. Gundahad was born in the Shire-year 1180 (or III 2780), making him approximately contemporary with the Old Took Gerontius, who would be born ten years later.
Gundahad's elder brother Gundahar inherited the headship of the Bolger family and left many important descendants (including Frodo Baggins, who was his great-great-grandson). Gundahad, meanwhile, left much less of an impression on history. We know little about him beyond his date of birth, and the fact that he had at least one son, named Gundabald. Nonetheless, through Gundabald, Gundahad's branch of the Bolger family survived through the generations to at least the end of the Third Age, and his great-great-grandchildren Wilimar, Heribald and Nora (born between III 2947 and III 2960) were approximate contemporaries of Frodo Baggins.
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Gundahad's brother Gundahar had a name derived from history, originating as the Germanic name of a Burgundian King. Gundahad himself, however, does not seem to have had such a historical forebear, and so it seems that Tolkien devised the name to follow the same pattern as that of his brother. The first element comes from gunþ-, 'war', but the origin of the second element is less clear. It perhaps derives from -hād, meaning 'rank' or 'office', so Gundahad would have a 'war-chief' or 'war-leader', but this connection is necessarily speculative.
About this entry:
- Updated 10 February 2025
- This entry is complete
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