About this entry:
A Hobbit family of Fallohidish origin, associated with the village of Budgeford, on the Water in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. In common with the Brandybucks and the Tooks, the Bolgers had a penchant for heroic and historical names, and so as well as Fredegar (the most prominent Bolger in Tolkien's work), we find such names as Fastolph, Gundabald and Odovacar among the Bolgers.
Bolger is an anglicisation of the actual name used by the family, which was Bolgra. This name derived from a Common Speech root bolg, 'to bulge', so the family name reflects the general rotundity of its members.
Adaldrida Bolger, Adalgar Bolger, Alfrida of the Yale, Belba Baggins, Bridgefields, Budgeford, Chubb-Baggins Family, Cora Goodbody, Diggle Family, Dina Diggle, Eastfarthing of the Shire, Fastolph Bolger, Filibert Bolger, Folklands, Gundabald Bolger, [See the full list...]Gundahad Bolger, Gundahar Bolger, Gundolpho Bolger, Heribald Bolger, Hildibrand Took, Lightfoot Family, Master of Buckland, Mimosa Bunce, Odovacar Bolger, Pansy Baggins, Polo Baggins, Rosamunda Took, Ruby Bolger, Rudigar Bolger, Rudolph Bolger, Sadoc Brandybuck
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