About this entry:
Title given the Thain Gerontius Took, in honour of his great age.
Adalgrim Took, Adamanta Chubb, Adelard Took, Baggins Family, Belladonna Took, Bungo Baggins, Chica Chubb, Chubb Family, Donnamira Took, Esmeralda Took, Everard Took, Ferdibrand Took, Ferdinand Took, Flambard Took, Folco Boffin, [See the full list...]Fortinbras Took I, Fortinbras Took II, Gandalf, Gerontius Took, Gundahad Bolger, Herugar Bolger, Hildibrand Took, Hildifons Took, Hildigard Took, Hildigrim Took, Hugo Boffin, Isembard Took, Isembold Took, Isengar Took, Isengrim Took III, Isumbras Took IV, Jessamine Boffin, Mirabella Took, Odovacar Bolger, Paladin Took II, Reginard Took, Rosa Baggins, Rosamunda Took, Sigismond Took, Thain of the Shire
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